AI Excellence: EU AI Act consulting

Clear rules are needed to ensure that AI can be used responsibly. For this reason, the European Union has created the Artificial Intelligence Act. This provides the necessary legal framework to exploit the opportunities of AI while minimizing potential risks for society. To this end, dataspot. has developed a specialization of the proven Data Excellence Framework for the implementation of the AI Act with technology law expert Dr. Jeannette Gorzala.


One step ahead with AI Excellence

Data is the fuel for successful AI models. This makes it all the more important that your data has a solid foundation and a common language. As one of the leading companies in the field of data excellence and the #1 data governance tool, dataspot. has made it its mission to support your company in precisely this area.

Based on the regulatory requirements of the EU AI Act and other relevant legal bases, the successful dataspot. Data Excellence consulting approach with a comprehensive approach for AI Excellence.

AI Excellence makes it possible to make the best possible use of the potential of artificial intelligence for your own organization, taking into account the ethical and regulatory framework conditions. The solution for this does not lie exclusively in IT, but requires a sound technical framework and a solid data basis. This basis is formed by the tried and tested
dataspot. Data Excellence Framework©.

The AI excellence of your company is our concern

To enable your company to implement AI excellence in the best possible way, we will guide you step by step through all the processes required to establish successful AI governance based on our tried-and-tested data excellence approach: from the legal framework, AI strategy development, cataloguing and prioritizing AI use cases to the development of the corresponding internal AI governance processes and roles as well as the ideal implementation of active AI governance in the dataspot metadata management software. To make it as easy as possible for you to establish AI excellence, the dataspot. metadata management software also offers specially developed AI excellence models that enable the management of AI models and the measurement of AI metrics, among many other useful features.

The topic covers the definition and development of strategic plans and value bases for the use of AI technologies. It includes the identification of business goals and the alignment of the AI strategy with them in order to create sustainable added value. This also includes the definition of ethical principles and values that should guide the development and use of AI systems.

Strategic demand management controls and prioritizes requirements for AI systems in order to make make make-or-buy decisions and comply with the AI Act. AI Development Governance ensures that internal AI development projects are ethical, transparent and accountable. AIX Risk & Impact Management identifies and assesses risks of AI systems. These processes create a basis for the development and implementation of high-quality and responsible AI systems.

In order to achieve a sustainable impact of the measures, roles for AI system responsibility are established and skills are developed through further training programs. The transparency of AI systems is ensured in accordance with the AI strategy within and outside the company. Steps for AI monitoring and audit management are also defined.

Clear AI standards ensure that processes are adhered to and legal requirements are met. These define how requirements should be implemented and described in dataspot. The standards cover the following areas, among others: AI Data Governance, AI Technical Documentation, AI Record Keeping, AI Transparency and User Manual, AI Human Oversight, AI IT Security and AI Accuracy and Robustness.

Become AI Act compliant